WINSTON LAU is a freelance artist who loves to explore the possibility of art and enjoy its chemistry with life. Winston uses his art as a platform to journey into the inner world as well as connect with other dimensions. His interdisciplinary work overlaps painting, installation, and performance. Graduated from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago with a BFA in 2003, he participated in numerous art exhibitions in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Barcelona, Poland, and the US.
藝術行者,善於混合不同媒介創作,2003年於芝加哥藝術學院畢業,他深知頭腦無法全然了解生命,選擇扎根於大地之母,用藝術與看不見的世界及內心連結探索。2008年與友人成立了位於香港賽馬會創意藝術中心L5-16的W Studio,曾於香港、台灣、英國、西班牙、波蘭等地發表裝置行為作品,他還喜歡利用非傳統教學方式啟發不同年齡人仕以新的眼光看世界。
跟著直覺走 let it flow PODCAST:spoti.fi/3htuK94 apple.co/2VVYKkI bit.ly/3h1jv6N
藝術行者,善於混合不同媒介創作,2003年於芝加哥藝術學院畢業,他深知頭腦無法全然了解生命,選擇扎根於大地之母,用藝術與看不見的世界及內心連結探索。2008年與友人成立了位於香港賽馬會創意藝術中心L5-16的W Studio,曾於香港、台灣、英國、西班牙、波蘭等地發表裝置行為作品,他還喜歡利用非傳統教學方式啟發不同年齡人仕以新的眼光看世界。
跟著直覺走 let it flow PODCAST:spoti.fi/3htuK94 apple.co/2VVYKkI bit.ly/3h1jv6N
Teaching Experience
2009-Present - Art Instructor - W Studio (Hong Kong)
2021 Mar-May - Healing with Installation Art Instructor - Shek Lei Catholic Secondary School (Hong Kong)
2019 Feb-May - Emotion Transformation with Art Instructor - Shek Lei Catholic Secondary School (Hong Kong)
2018 May - Mandala Art Instructor - Connect with Heart Program with Caritas Charrette Centre (Hong Kong)
2018 Apr - Art Workshop Instructor - The 10th Arts Ambassadors-in-school Scheme at JCCAC (Hong Kong)
2018 Apr - Inner Child Art Workshop Instructor - Makee (Hong Kong)
2017 Oct-Dec - Healing with Art Workshop Facilitator - Gaia Ashram (Nong Khai, Thailand)
2017 Apr-May - A Journey to the Heart Abstract Art Course Instructor - 241 Art Space (Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
2017 May - Healing with Art Workshop Instructor - Wanderroots (Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
2013 MarJun - Installation Art Instructor - Mentorship Program at Chan Shu Kui Memorial School (Hong Kong)
2012 Jan-Feb, Sep-Oct Art Instructor - Nomad Art Program at Estudio Nómada (Barcelona, Spain)
2009 & 2010 Jul-Aug Mixed Medium Creative Art Course Instructor - Age 5-9 at YMCA (Hong Kong)
2009 Aug Mixed Medium Art Instructor - F3-F4 at Gertrude Simon Lutheran College (Hong Kong)
2009 Feb-Mar Mural Creative Art Course Instructor - P3-P6 at Faith Lutheran School (Hong Kong)
2008 Mar Art Teacher - P1-P6 at Zheng Sheng College (Fujian, China)
2006 Aug English Teacher - P4-P6 at Tian Hang Primary School (Huizhou, China)
2004 Aug English Teacher - Y1-3 at Xian University of Architecture and Technology (Xian, China)
2004 Feb - May Art Instructor - God as Artist Workshop with IVCF at University of Wisconsin (WN, USA)
2001-02 Teaching Assistant - Young Artist Studio at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (IL, USA)
2019 Starseeds & Earthlings - Solo Exhibition at JCCAC L0 Gallery (Hong Kong)
2018 “10 Years at JCCAC” at JCCAC L1 & L0 Gallery (Hong Kong)
Flow with the Ink Exhibition at JCCAC L1 courtyard (Hong Kong)
2017 Listen - Solo Exhibition at 241 Art Space (Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
2016 The Invisible Life - Solo Exhibition at 241 Art Space (Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
2015 Connected - Solo Painting exhibition at East Space (Hualien, Taiwan)
W Show - Group Exhibition at JCCAC L7 Public Space (Hong Kong)
The 3rd Hong Kong Touch Art Festival - Group Exhibition at JCCAC L1 Gallery
2013 JCCAC 5th Art Festival: Grow On - Site Specific Installation at JCCAC L2 Public Space (Hong Kong)
Upcycle Installation by Yanki Hui & Winston Lau at Zero Carbon Building (Hong Kong)
LIVE exhibition at JCCAC L5 Public Space (Hong Kong)
2012 Seven Deadly Sins - Group Exhibition at Voxfire Gallery (Hong Kong)
Unseen - Site Specific Outdoor Installation at city centre (Bielsko-Biała, Poland)
The Power of Art & Nature - Landart at Andrew Cisowski’s Park (Targowo, Poland)
SaturAcción - Group Exhibition at Descojonarte (Barcelona, Spain)
living flow - Solo Painting Exhibition at Estudio Nómada (Barcelona, Spain)
2011 Vida. Arte. Unomismo - Solo Installation Art at Estudio Nómada (Barcelona, Spain)
“B Festival” Exhibition at JCCAC L1 Gallery (Hong Kong)
2010 imaginarium - Installation Art by Iris Chan & Winston Lau at JCCAC L7 Public Space (Hong Kong)
L.I.F.E. Art Project at K11 Art Mall (Hong Kong)
Upcycle Exhibition at Whampoa Garden Homeworld & JCCAC L5 Public Space (Hong Kong)
“Everyday Used for Everyday Use” Green Showcase at OFTEN Organic, Fair Trade, Eco Friendly Fair (Hong Kong)
2009 RUSH - SKM Artist’ Joint Exhibition at JCCAC L1 & L0 Gallery (Hong Kong)
Artists & City Exhibition at A-Link, C C Wu Building (Hong Kong)
ING Mini Artwalk at ING Office, IFC One (Hong Kong)
“A Festival” Exhibition - W Studio X Jolans Fung: from Darkness to Colors at W Studio (Hong Kong)
Glass Tea Aroma - A Container Object Exhibition at Heritage Tea House (Hong Kong)
The World in Handicapped Women’s Eyes at MOST (Hong Kong)
2 GATHER - 2D Painting Exhibition at JCCAC L7 Green Space (Hong Kong)
A Hong Kong Arts Festival PLUS Programme - Voyage of Discovery: Shek Kip Mei to Tsim Sha Tsui (Hong Kong)
2008 Old Factory, Emerging Arts - From Shek Kip Mei Factory Estate to Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (Hong Kong)
JCCAC Pre-Opening Fesitivity Thematic Exhibition III - My Developmental Path (Hong Kong)
2003 The School of the Art Institute of Chicago Graduate Art Show (IL, USA)
2002 “Graduates from the past” Exhibition at Canterbury School (CT, USA)
2001 First Year Program Exhibition at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago (IL, USA)
1999 “Advanced Placement Art” Exhibition at Canterbury School (CT, USA)
2019 Starseeds & Earthlings interactive performance at JCCAC L0 Gallery (Hong Kong)
2018 Flow with the Ink improvised performance at JCCAC L1 courtyard (Hong Kong)
2017 GA-IA - Solo Improvised Performance at Gaia Ashram (Nong Khai, Thailand)
Sounds of Mother Earth - Live Music Group Improvisation at common room & co. & Kwun Tong Promenade (Hong Kong)
Listen - Solo Improvised Performance at 241 Art Space (Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
2016 The Invisible Life - Solo Improvised Performance at 241 Art Space (Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
2015 between - MV collaboration with Around the World in 80 Music Videos (Hong Kong)
2014 12 Rites - Solo Improvised Performance with land art at Laomei coast (Taipei, Taiwan)
Om Lar - Solo Improvised Performance at Dulan coast (Taitung, Taiwan)
2013 Grow On - Solo Improvised Performance with installation at JCCAC 5th Art Festival (Hong Kong)
Listen to the Circle - Solo Improvised Performance in “Sun 4 Gun” at Fringe Club (Hong Kong)
Live Art - Solo Improvised Performance in Interactive and Impro’s Festival at JCCAC Blackbox theatre (Hong Kong)
2012 Sins - Solo Butoh Experiement at Voxfire Gallery (Hong Kong)
Winston X Pierre & the Flying Mousaka Eaters Painting Performance with Live Band at Estudio Nómada (Barcelona, Spain)
The Journey - Solo Butoh Experiement at Makers of Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain)
Unseen - Solo Improvised Performance with installation at city centre (Bielsko-Biała, Poland)
A Twist of - Solo Improvised Performance with landart at the Power of Art & Nature (Targowo, Poland)
Dance with the Past - Solo Butoh Experiement at Galeria Bielska BWA (Bielsko-Biała, Poland)
2011 Vida. Arte. Unomismo - Solo Improvised Performance with installation at Estudio Nómada (Barcelona, Spain)
JAM IT - Group Performance during “B Festival” at JCCAC L1 & L0 Gallery (Hong Kong)
Artist in Residence
2013-17 Ku Art Museum (Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
2014 Pushiko Historical House (Yuli, Taiwan)
Good Nest Homestay (Dulan, Taiwan)
Monkey Style Café (Taipei, Taiwan)
2012 Beyond Time with Bielska BWA Gallery (Bielsko-Biała, Poland)
2011 Estudio Nómada (Barcelona, Spain)
Curatorial Experience
2019 Starseeds & Earthlings - Solo Exhibition at JCCAC L0 Gallery (Hong Kong)
2018 “10 Years at JCCAC” at JCCAC L1 & L0 Gallery (Hong Kong)
2017 Listen - Solo Exhibition at 241 Art Space (Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
2016 The Invisible Life - Solo Exhibition at 241 Art Space (Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
2015 Connected - Solo Painting exhibition at East Space (Hualien, Taiwan)
W Show - Group Exhibition at JCCAC L7 Public Space (Hong Kong)
2013 LIVE exhibition at JCCAC L5 Public Space (Hong Kong)
2009 RUSH - SKM Artist’ Joint Exhibition at JCCAC L1 & L0 Gallery
ING Mini Artwalk at ING Office, IFC One
1999 - 2003 Bachelor of Fine Art with an emphasis on visual communication The School of the Art Institute of Chicago (IL, USA)
2003 Creative vision in peer-support activities and dedication to carrying out this vision through Outstanding Leadership, the Class of 2003 of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago
2000 Honorary Award at the First Year Program Exhibition, the School of the Art Institute of Chicago
2009-Present - Art Instructor - W Studio (Hong Kong)
2021 Mar-May - Healing with Installation Art Instructor - Shek Lei Catholic Secondary School (Hong Kong)
2019 Feb-May - Emotion Transformation with Art Instructor - Shek Lei Catholic Secondary School (Hong Kong)
2018 May - Mandala Art Instructor - Connect with Heart Program with Caritas Charrette Centre (Hong Kong)
2018 Apr - Art Workshop Instructor - The 10th Arts Ambassadors-in-school Scheme at JCCAC (Hong Kong)
2018 Apr - Inner Child Art Workshop Instructor - Makee (Hong Kong)
2017 Oct-Dec - Healing with Art Workshop Facilitator - Gaia Ashram (Nong Khai, Thailand)
2017 Apr-May - A Journey to the Heart Abstract Art Course Instructor - 241 Art Space (Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
2017 May - Healing with Art Workshop Instructor - Wanderroots (Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
2013 MarJun - Installation Art Instructor - Mentorship Program at Chan Shu Kui Memorial School (Hong Kong)
2012 Jan-Feb, Sep-Oct Art Instructor - Nomad Art Program at Estudio Nómada (Barcelona, Spain)
2009 & 2010 Jul-Aug Mixed Medium Creative Art Course Instructor - Age 5-9 at YMCA (Hong Kong)
2009 Aug Mixed Medium Art Instructor - F3-F4 at Gertrude Simon Lutheran College (Hong Kong)
2009 Feb-Mar Mural Creative Art Course Instructor - P3-P6 at Faith Lutheran School (Hong Kong)
2008 Mar Art Teacher - P1-P6 at Zheng Sheng College (Fujian, China)
2006 Aug English Teacher - P4-P6 at Tian Hang Primary School (Huizhou, China)
2004 Aug English Teacher - Y1-3 at Xian University of Architecture and Technology (Xian, China)
2004 Feb - May Art Instructor - God as Artist Workshop with IVCF at University of Wisconsin (WN, USA)
2001-02 Teaching Assistant - Young Artist Studio at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (IL, USA)
2019 Starseeds & Earthlings - Solo Exhibition at JCCAC L0 Gallery (Hong Kong)
2018 “10 Years at JCCAC” at JCCAC L1 & L0 Gallery (Hong Kong)
Flow with the Ink Exhibition at JCCAC L1 courtyard (Hong Kong)
2017 Listen - Solo Exhibition at 241 Art Space (Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
2016 The Invisible Life - Solo Exhibition at 241 Art Space (Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
2015 Connected - Solo Painting exhibition at East Space (Hualien, Taiwan)
W Show - Group Exhibition at JCCAC L7 Public Space (Hong Kong)
The 3rd Hong Kong Touch Art Festival - Group Exhibition at JCCAC L1 Gallery
2013 JCCAC 5th Art Festival: Grow On - Site Specific Installation at JCCAC L2 Public Space (Hong Kong)
Upcycle Installation by Yanki Hui & Winston Lau at Zero Carbon Building (Hong Kong)
LIVE exhibition at JCCAC L5 Public Space (Hong Kong)
2012 Seven Deadly Sins - Group Exhibition at Voxfire Gallery (Hong Kong)
Unseen - Site Specific Outdoor Installation at city centre (Bielsko-Biała, Poland)
The Power of Art & Nature - Landart at Andrew Cisowski’s Park (Targowo, Poland)
SaturAcción - Group Exhibition at Descojonarte (Barcelona, Spain)
living flow - Solo Painting Exhibition at Estudio Nómada (Barcelona, Spain)
2011 Vida. Arte. Unomismo - Solo Installation Art at Estudio Nómada (Barcelona, Spain)
“B Festival” Exhibition at JCCAC L1 Gallery (Hong Kong)
2010 imaginarium - Installation Art by Iris Chan & Winston Lau at JCCAC L7 Public Space (Hong Kong)
L.I.F.E. Art Project at K11 Art Mall (Hong Kong)
Upcycle Exhibition at Whampoa Garden Homeworld & JCCAC L5 Public Space (Hong Kong)
“Everyday Used for Everyday Use” Green Showcase at OFTEN Organic, Fair Trade, Eco Friendly Fair (Hong Kong)
2009 RUSH - SKM Artist’ Joint Exhibition at JCCAC L1 & L0 Gallery (Hong Kong)
Artists & City Exhibition at A-Link, C C Wu Building (Hong Kong)
ING Mini Artwalk at ING Office, IFC One (Hong Kong)
“A Festival” Exhibition - W Studio X Jolans Fung: from Darkness to Colors at W Studio (Hong Kong)
Glass Tea Aroma - A Container Object Exhibition at Heritage Tea House (Hong Kong)
The World in Handicapped Women’s Eyes at MOST (Hong Kong)
2 GATHER - 2D Painting Exhibition at JCCAC L7 Green Space (Hong Kong)
A Hong Kong Arts Festival PLUS Programme - Voyage of Discovery: Shek Kip Mei to Tsim Sha Tsui (Hong Kong)
2008 Old Factory, Emerging Arts - From Shek Kip Mei Factory Estate to Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (Hong Kong)
JCCAC Pre-Opening Fesitivity Thematic Exhibition III - My Developmental Path (Hong Kong)
2003 The School of the Art Institute of Chicago Graduate Art Show (IL, USA)
2002 “Graduates from the past” Exhibition at Canterbury School (CT, USA)
2001 First Year Program Exhibition at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago (IL, USA)
1999 “Advanced Placement Art” Exhibition at Canterbury School (CT, USA)
2019 Starseeds & Earthlings interactive performance at JCCAC L0 Gallery (Hong Kong)
2018 Flow with the Ink improvised performance at JCCAC L1 courtyard (Hong Kong)
2017 GA-IA - Solo Improvised Performance at Gaia Ashram (Nong Khai, Thailand)
Sounds of Mother Earth - Live Music Group Improvisation at common room & co. & Kwun Tong Promenade (Hong Kong)
Listen - Solo Improvised Performance at 241 Art Space (Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
2016 The Invisible Life - Solo Improvised Performance at 241 Art Space (Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
2015 between - MV collaboration with Around the World in 80 Music Videos (Hong Kong)
2014 12 Rites - Solo Improvised Performance with land art at Laomei coast (Taipei, Taiwan)
Om Lar - Solo Improvised Performance at Dulan coast (Taitung, Taiwan)
2013 Grow On - Solo Improvised Performance with installation at JCCAC 5th Art Festival (Hong Kong)
Listen to the Circle - Solo Improvised Performance in “Sun 4 Gun” at Fringe Club (Hong Kong)
Live Art - Solo Improvised Performance in Interactive and Impro’s Festival at JCCAC Blackbox theatre (Hong Kong)
2012 Sins - Solo Butoh Experiement at Voxfire Gallery (Hong Kong)
Winston X Pierre & the Flying Mousaka Eaters Painting Performance with Live Band at Estudio Nómada (Barcelona, Spain)
The Journey - Solo Butoh Experiement at Makers of Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain)
Unseen - Solo Improvised Performance with installation at city centre (Bielsko-Biała, Poland)
A Twist of - Solo Improvised Performance with landart at the Power of Art & Nature (Targowo, Poland)
Dance with the Past - Solo Butoh Experiement at Galeria Bielska BWA (Bielsko-Biała, Poland)
2011 Vida. Arte. Unomismo - Solo Improvised Performance with installation at Estudio Nómada (Barcelona, Spain)
JAM IT - Group Performance during “B Festival” at JCCAC L1 & L0 Gallery (Hong Kong)
Artist in Residence
2013-17 Ku Art Museum (Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
2014 Pushiko Historical House (Yuli, Taiwan)
Good Nest Homestay (Dulan, Taiwan)
Monkey Style Café (Taipei, Taiwan)
2012 Beyond Time with Bielska BWA Gallery (Bielsko-Biała, Poland)
2011 Estudio Nómada (Barcelona, Spain)
Curatorial Experience
2019 Starseeds & Earthlings - Solo Exhibition at JCCAC L0 Gallery (Hong Kong)
2018 “10 Years at JCCAC” at JCCAC L1 & L0 Gallery (Hong Kong)
2017 Listen - Solo Exhibition at 241 Art Space (Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
2016 The Invisible Life - Solo Exhibition at 241 Art Space (Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
2015 Connected - Solo Painting exhibition at East Space (Hualien, Taiwan)
W Show - Group Exhibition at JCCAC L7 Public Space (Hong Kong)
2013 LIVE exhibition at JCCAC L5 Public Space (Hong Kong)
2009 RUSH - SKM Artist’ Joint Exhibition at JCCAC L1 & L0 Gallery
ING Mini Artwalk at ING Office, IFC One
1999 - 2003 Bachelor of Fine Art with an emphasis on visual communication The School of the Art Institute of Chicago (IL, USA)
2003 Creative vision in peer-support activities and dedication to carrying out this vision through Outstanding Leadership, the Class of 2003 of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago
2000 Honorary Award at the First Year Program Exhibition, the School of the Art Institute of Chicago