「爆SEED」來自日本動畫《機動戰士Gundam Seed》,動畫主角在戰鬥中遇到緊急關頭時,將其潛藏之力量爆發出來,同時畫面中會出現一顆種子形狀物體爆發,因此「爆SEED」被動漫迷比喻為「把體內隱藏的力量發揮出來克服困難」的意思。
Seed Social Actions
In this social project, 10 instructors gave different free courses to teenagers who were disadvantaged but passionate to go after their dreams. Winston taught graphic design and installation art to 13 young people. At the end, the students managed to put together a tree-like installation which was made up of used newspapers.
主辦機構:香港中華廠商聯合會青年委員會 Organiser: The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong - Youth Committee
協辦機構:星島雜誌集團 Co-organiser: Sing Tao Magazine Group
「爆SEED」來自日本動畫《機動戰士Gundam Seed》,動畫主角在戰鬥中遇到緊急關頭時,將其潛藏之力量爆發出來,同時畫面中會出現一顆種子形狀物體爆發,因此「爆SEED」被動漫迷比喻為「把體內隱藏的力量發揮出來克服困難」的意思。
Seed Social Actions
In this social project, 10 instructors gave different free courses to teenagers who were disadvantaged but passionate to go after their dreams. Winston taught graphic design and installation art to 13 young people. At the end, the students managed to put together a tree-like installation which was made up of used newspapers.
主辦機構:香港中華廠商聯合會青年委員會 Organiser: The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong - Youth Committee
協辦機構:星島雜誌集團 Co-organiser: Sing Tao Magazine Group